Screenshot of CPU-X showing the following stats in the CPU tab: Vendor=AMD; Code Name=Ryzen 7 (Vermeer); Technology=7nm; Voltage=1,100V; Specification=AMD Ryzen 5800X3D 8-Core Processor; Family=0xF; Model=0x1; Temp=62,00°C; Disp. Family=0x19; Disp. Model=0x21; Stepping=2; Instructions=SMT, MMX(+), SSE(1, 2, 3, 3S, 4.1, 4.2, 4A), AVX(1, 2), FMA(3), AES, CLMUL, RdRand, SHA, AMD-V, x86-64; Clocks Section: Core Speed=3534 MHz; Multiplier=x35,4 (22-34); Bus Speed=99,79 MHz; Usage=6,50 %; Cache Section: L1 Data=8 x 32 kB, 8-way; L1 Inst.=8 x 32 kB, 8-way; Level 2=8 x 512 kB, 8-way; Level 3=96 MB, 16-way; Type <a class=#0; Core #0; Cores=8, Threads=16" title="Screenshot of CPU-X showing the following stats in the CPU tab: Vendor=AMD; Code Name=Ryzen 7 (Vermeer); Technology=7nm; Voltage=1,100V; Specification=AMD Ryzen 5800X3D 8-Core Processor; Family=0xF; Model=0x1; Temp=62,00°C; Disp. Family=0x19; Disp. Model=0x21; Stepping=2; Instructions=SMT, MMX(+), SSE(1, 2, 3, 3S, 4.1, 4.2, 4A), AVX(1, 2), FMA(3), AES, CLMUL, RdRand, SHA, AMD-V, x86-64; Clocks Section: Core Speed=3534 MHz; Multiplier=x35,4 (22-34); Bus Speed=99,79 MHz; Usage=6,50 %; Cache Section: L1 Data=8 x 32 kB, 8-way; L1 Inst.=8 x 32 kB, 8-way; Level 2=8 x 512 kB, 8-way; Level 3=96 MB, 16-way; Type #0; Core #0; Cores=8, Threads=16">

Hi there, new CPU!