Taxpayers Paid $500/Officer For Cops To Be Taught How To Be More Bigoted, Sexist, And Ignorant

It’s not like cops needed any more help being intolerant. It seems to come with the job. A badge, a gun, and a sense of superiority tends to turn even marginal cops into people who spend their entire careers adding to the “us vs. them” chip on their shoulders.

But even cops with the best intentions will soon find themselves persuaded to treat the people they serve as people who are beneath them. Shows of compassion — much less demonstrations of base-level humanity — are few and far between.

It shouldn’t be this way. But it is. Police trainers tell officers civil rights are just impediments to efficient policing and should be brushed aside whenever possible. Cop trainers tell cops they’ll have the best sex of their lives after gunning down someone in the street. Supposed medical experts tell cops “excited delirium” is not only a real thing, but an extremely handy excuse any time they have a dead body on their (bloodied) hands.

The end result is the amplification of the worst aspects of cop culture. Those who have the “training and experience” to provide others with training and experience are often those who have spent years — if not decades — soaking in the rot created by the worst apples in the barrel.

There’s not much that’s surprising about this new report from Tracey Tully for the New York Times. About the only thing capable of lowering a jaw into pre-drop mode is the fact that video evidence of this harmful mode of teaching exists online.

#cops #cop #police

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