So we have a department meeting tomorrow, regarding courses. It is an online meeting, on Google Meet, since our (technical) university has been doing online classes for several weeks now and also all offices have only half the staff present as a safety precaution. So far, nothing unusual.

Today I receive an e-mail telling me that there will be lunchboxes and that I should notify the secretary if I want a vegetarian one. Yes, lunchboxes. Apparently most of my colleagues (or all?) are at school, despite all the online classes. I saw a few when I had to be there last week. My computer may be ten years old, but it still beats the new one in my office. I don't have A/C at home, but that's still not enough motivation for me to go there...

So yes, we have an online meeting with lunchboxes... (And no, I don't think they will deliver to my place...)
enter image description here

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