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#Krittika #Nakshatra 2023
According to #Vedicastrology, Krittika has a place in the sign of Aries and Taurus. Krittika is a fire nakshatra and signifies power and energy with #Agni as ruling deity. Krittika name when translated it means a sharp object. It can be destructive or be creative in nature. Those people born in this nakshatra are aggressive with a raging behavior. With the #Sun as the ruling planet, the natives have flaming nature and signifies purity at highest level.

Characteristics of Krittika
The native man of Krittika nakshatra will be good in brilliancy, but he may lose patience and cannot achieve goals. He doesn’t stay in one task for a long time and moves from one to another. Females are sensitive and have a heartful of emotions, but it doesn’t mean she will blindly follow others.

Krittika Nakshatra 2023 Predictions: Career
The year will be progressive for matters related to your profession but the influence of planets may push you to check your views more aggressively. Not to be rigid or else you may not be able to take advantage of planetary favor this year. Remain open to looking at things, through different perspectives particularly during the first half of year. And remain confident, while handling matters related to your project or any business associations. In short, a balanced approach will be required to maintain growth in your profession.

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