#Chile: Over Half a Million in the Streets Backing the 'I Approve' Vote

The new Constitution enshrines the rights of the Chilean population to universal public #health, free #education, and access to #housing and #water.

On Thusday, Santiago City was the scene for a multicolored show unprecedented in Chilean political history. Over 500,000 citizens took to the streets to take part in the closing ceremony of the "I Approve" campaign, the option defended by those who want a new #Constitution instead of the one drafted by the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1990).

On Alameda Avenue, thousands of people incessantly cheered "Approve to Live Better", referring to the new constitutional text that will be submitted to a plebiscite on Sunday, a day in which over 15 million Chileans must vote.

"Breaking all the predictions of the polls, which hold that the "I Reject" vote will win on Sept. 4, the main avenues were filled with people, especially young people, who came out to express their hope for the ratification of the new text," Italian outlet Pressenza reported.

"Since I have the use of reason, things have been unfair and, when we have wanted to change something, they have told us that it is unconstitutional. Now we have the possibility of something new," said Camila Sandoval, a 24-year-old woman who attended with her grandmother.




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