Today is International Conscientious Objectors’ Day

Around the world many are imprisoned, sometimes even tortured, for refusing military service.
Civilians and soldiers often do not understand their legal rights when it comes to conscientious objection.
Here are 2 organizations you can support today (or anytime!) to make a difference for conscientious objectors:

Here is PPU's call for support for their annual CO ceremony which was today:

​Please think of donating to support this annual event - We'd be really grateful for your support, which helps us improve the event year on year and raise more awareness of the struggles of COs.

​In recent years we've reached more and more people, including online, and we'd love to keep the momentum going. Here is the donation link:

If you have other local peace organizations where you live, please consider volunteering your time or donating to support their efforts too.

I hope today some of you will consider giving to support worthy nonprofits protecting those who refuse to kill.

#peace #antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #ConscientiousObjectors #ConscientiousObjection

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