Acting U.S. homeland security secretary stepping down as inauguration approaches

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf told his staff on Monday he was stepping down, the agency said, a move that comes as his department coordinates security for the Jan. 20 presidential inauguration and after a deadly mob attack on the U.S. Capitol last week.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) press office said Wolf would leave his post at 11:59 p.m. on Monday. Pete Gaynor, administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, will take over as acting secretary, the office said.

In an email to DHS employees on Monday, Wolf said his departure was due to court rulings related to his eligibility for the position.

“I am saddened to take this step, as it was my intention to serve the department until the end of this administration,” Wolf wrote. ...

#ChadWolf #TrumpAdmomistration #Resignations #Jan6Coup