#Quote Posted by Journeyman (here)
Maybe some here will be interested in #SamGeppi's analysis of Charles's astrological chart and the correlation he's noted between Royal events and eclipses?

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=UXUA4bjU67I

We're heading towards the Great American #Eclipse on #April 8th and there appears to be a massive amount of predictive programming and the like surrounding this. One way and another I think we're going to have an interesting spring and summer...

Thanks to @Ian33 for putting me on to Sam. Hope you're well Ian.

Interesting. #Charles, #William and #George were all born on eclipse. All inline to be Kings, their births very likely planned to happen on eclipse.
William also born on the summer solstice.

#RudolfSteiner is interesting on the significance of #eclipses.