Third Love and Anarchy film festival screening, only one today.

Caution, spoilers!

White plastic sky (2023)

It's the year 2123. Planet Earth has died. Apparently either the last piece of humanity is the domed city of Budapest, or at least nothing else is mentioned, with the main characters pondering at one time whether there are other cities. Clearly not the most free of societies then.

Strict rules are necessary to keep humanity alive, says the co-founder of the miracle of Budapest. These strict rules include a set 50 year life span and controlled reproduction. After 50 years, your body becomes the property of the city. There are hints throughout the beginning of the film on the usage of the bodies. The people of the city need to eat right?

After the loss of their son, 32 old Nora doesn't want to live anymore and takes a voluntary implantation (where the implant is normally injected to your heart when you turn 50). When her husband finds out he makes the amazingly quick transformation from "fanboy of the system" to "my wife is special and needs saving, screw the city".

A rescue plan comes together with some amount of ease, and soon our characters are driving around the wasteland to a mystical place where Nora can be saved. During the journey we see how the human bodies are cultivated into food and some history is also shared.

"White plastic sky" is an interesting take on the dystopia and collapse of society -topic. The animation is striking and dream like, a beautiful film to watch. There are some weird plot holes and the whole ending of the film felt a bit strange, also I'd suggest drinking a large cup of coffee before as the music alone is something to make one sleepy. Overall an interesting story on what the cost of driving the planet to death could be, and the struggle of letting go. From your loved ones, and from the continuation of society at whatever cost.

#hiff #scifi #dystopia #films #movies


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