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They lay to a remittent world, in a superseded patent, abode in everlasting coding; you have two, those words are namely resolution too a abbreviation, sites the one implied, reciting to the impeccable locality of relocating the curvatures of time: Never twice have the interchangeable world reconstructed under insufficient information; vespers no answer to the interjection of sound. The whale arrived late, screening in the noon, to contention, fifteen hours implacable to the sunrise; interchange was removing a weal, said in the minutes conceding; Noah’s kid coded in embryonic distillation, fond of the weal, Galapagos turned the arch of time inland, two minding one resolution.

The plate was ambition for the coup, played the least attractive rubric, they were imbeciles of code, with partitions of store, the fictional time endless in the reliant navigating burnish. Two more words passed in the fulsome monogram, industrial glue sound for interludes of repatriation, stepped the watermark visual, two or more, destine for dreams, code for conceding arms, as injustice or configurating entitlement. ©

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