Vice President Mike Pence, not President Trump, approved the order to deploy the D.C. National Guard


Defense and administration officials said it was Vice President Mike Pence, not President Trump, who approved the order to deploy the D.C. National Guard. It was unclear why the president, who incited his supporters to storm the Capitol and who is still the commander in chief, did not give the order.

President Trump initially rebuffed and resisted requests to mobilize the National Guard, according to a person with knowledge of the events. It required intervention from the White House counsel, Pat Cipollone, among other officials, the person familiar with the events said.

Lede burried in "As the D.C. police clear the Capitol grounds, the mayor extends a public emergency.", Jan. 6, 2021, 3:48 p.m. ET

The Vice President of the United States is not in the military chain of command.

Possible reports are that the DoD refused Trump's order to deploy.

#Jan6Coup #MikePence #CommanderInChief #NationalGuard #military #VicePresident