Preparing the next generation of #citizens requires bringing back #civics

..."new funding, signed into law by President Biden, is an important step, but much more is needed. The Civics Secures Democracy Act, sponsored by bipartisan members in the House and Senate β€” including Sens. Chris Coons (D-Del.) and John Cornyn (R-Texas), and supported by the CivXNow coalition (which was founded by iCivics, where one of us serves as an executive director) β€” offers one model and roadmap: a $1 billion investment across K-12 and higher education to expand educational programming in history and civics, with funding available for state education agencies, nonprofits and institutions of higher education and research.

But federal funding alone is insufficient to meet the scope of the challenge we face. State and local governments must also step up, and the private sector has a responsibility to participate and help lead the way. While the federal government should not mandate school curricula, it can spur and support efforts by local schools and communities to prepare young people for their critical role in our system of self-government.

Civic skills should extend beyond voting; critical thinking, using one’s voice and the willingness and tools to debate and bridge divides can also be taught and encouraged. Finally, civic attitudes matter, such as community building, hope in the future of democracy and a willingness to do the hard work of citizenship.

Our communities and workplaces are also civics classrooms, providing opportunities for young people to learn and practice civic skills through tutoring programs, after-school service opportunities and skills-based internships and jobs. We can harness the power of technology to develop new learning tools like games, simulations and competitions. Social media, so often misused to damage democracy, can offer interest-driven pathways that enable young people to connect and collaborate to help their communities. "...

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