Totally exhausting day consisting of hordes of children exploring virtual worlds. First 45 minutes were an utter catastrophe. Everything that could go wrong, did, in rapid succession and repeatedly. Incredibly frustrating but thereafter everything worked. The delight when kids realise they can throw toilets off the top of Arecibo is quite special. One kid in particular would have spent the entire day there if his parents hadn't dragged him away. Another I'm convinced is the original reason tall buildings have signs saying don't drop pennies. A number of others had worrying tendencies to try and jump off (which you can't do, probably for the best though the results would have been hilarious).

#VR skepticism/cynicism remains bizarre to me. Everyone who tries it loves it. Never seen a single disappointed reaction. Pretty sure there are going to be lots of children begging for Quests this Christmas... I should be asking Meta for a sponsorship deal....