Late January #linux #desktop ... and though I somehow feel bad for cheating at #Debian recently, I've also recently and more and more been torn between "ideology" and having an actually working system on my machines. I'm in the lucky situation of being permitted to use Linux on my working laptop even in a corporate environment, but recently, with Debian stable, the amount of itches became more and more obvious especially in my somewhat ... difficult display setup. Itches - to a point actually where I was getting more serious considering Apple hard- and software for that job. Currently, with #fedora39 , this whole setup seems not really perfect (nothing is) but much better than the months on Debian 12 before. So maybe, for now, this is the way to go - leave Debian for the servers and go with Fedora (or maybe openSuSE - undecided so far) on my desktop machines. Hope this works out.

Somewhat stock Fedora 39 GNOME desktop running a terminal with neofetch.