#cathartic. but not the one that splains it. n_n i mean, if they didnt get it the first time, (or even the 4th(!!)), maybe this isnt the one to make it click for them,
that to have not seen a thing doesnt mean it isnt there.
like, the arrogance, the naive hubris, to think all you know is all there is to know… like didnt you learn that as a baby, that your parent doesnt cease to exist when they’re behind the tea towel. they still exist. the same logic of that is transferrable, you can evolve and grow with that. knowing that just because you’ve not seen evidence for something, does not mean it does not exist.
and much more so, when you proceed in obliviously willfully ignorant arrogance as a side effect of that hedonistic superiority delusion from the naive realist self-sabotaging ego-tower enflaming…
well, we’re in it now, #digitsrants.
but yeah, wow, to not get that, repeatedly…
i’m a #stultaphobe, right? but, there’s something about that level of #notgettingit, that when i’m confronted with face to face, it’s like the fear of stupidity breaks, no longer there, and it’s just perplexing, mind boggling, how it can not be grokked, like wow how can we humans be more unwise, more stupid, than animals. and i dont mean that in the dehumanising sense (like some have succumbed to). i mean that just plainly, like i do not see animals be that stupid. so that must mean animals are smarter than these humans who dont get that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, because, we do not see animals be that stupid, the animals are thus conclusively not doing as stupid as these humans and therefor are not as stupid as these humans, so all animals are smarter and wiser than those humans who dont get that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. so, by the logic of those humans’ own assertion, that absence of evidence is evidence of absence, they’re not only more stupid than animals, as i’ve just demonstrated, but also, anything they’ve not seen, does not exist.



which heavy metal poisoning is it that’s most responsible for such lack of curiosity and logical ineptitude?

we have to much to tidy up in this world.

and industry, the corporation, the complex, the tragedy, is still (last i heard) accelerating the rate of acceleration of novelty and quantity of noxia created. … #weareinalotoftrouble

imagine if we had aptitude tests for every role that involved risks, and a fully informed public, to know we were not putting psychopaths in charge of our children, our future, our resources, etc.
… or at least to have evidence to that effect…
… and not just proceeding with our absence of evidence, as if evidence of absence.

we dont know.

it’s important we know we dont know.

or we will continue to not just bumble our way into getting wrong, but definitely will get #wronguns in charge of vulnerabilities.

remember any prominent lessons about that recently?
