Useless signs for 200
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The useless sign I'm talking about is the red one in the background. It says that this area is for loading/unloading only. So if you park there illegally, you will be fined. So far, so good. There are two parking spots. The SUV in the back occupies the regular one, the SUV in front stands on a handicapped spot. The Tesla in the middle stands in-between both spots.

You could of course say that the driver of the SUV in front may very well be handicapped and a few people I know may actually agree with you. However, that is on our campus, right next to the building where I am teaching most of the time and a while ago I found that this car belongs to a dear colleague. And I can assure you, she does not have any physical disability.

A few times I've also seen the Tesla standing on the handicapped spot, but I don't think that person qualifies either, not with a model 3. But it's great to see so many role models showing our students how to behave in society...
#Taiwan #carculture #cars

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