No Time to Panic
Teri Kanefield

..."The way to make sure #Trump loses the #election is not to spread panic because people who can’t tolerate all the crisis and spectacle will stop listening. The way to do it is the old-fashioned way. Talk to people about #issues that matter to them. Do they care about the right to choose? Make sure they know that women are being prosecuted for having abortions and some women are having their health endangered by being denied medically-necessary abortions. Do they care about the environment? Talk to them about #Republican #policies about the environment. Do they care about economic fairness? Talk to them about the implications of Republicans tax policies.

Panic is Draining and Leads to Burn Out

No one can do the work necessary to save democracy if they’re worn out from all the panic. Susan B. Anthony, Thurgood Marshall, and Pauli Murray didn’t panic when they saw the injustice around them. They got to work. (To find out what you can do to help with the next election, click here.)

Panic (like shock) comes from faulty thinking

Part of the faulty thinking goes like this: “All was going well until Trump appeared and now we are in trouble!” The faulty thinking comes from the idea that nothing like this has ever happened or would ever happen in the United States. (If you think the United States has never had an autocratic regime, think about what life was like for a Black woman in 1850.)

The heros of the past have brought us a long way, but there is always more work to do, and democracy is always fragile.

The Anecdoate to Panic is Knowledge and Perspective

The better we understand the current political situation in the context of American history, the better able we are to understand how to move forward. History teaches us possibilities.

Here are a few suggestions (I posted this list previously):"...

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