"'Congress has the authority to stop these sales, and we must exercise that power.'"

"'We should never be selling human rights abusers weapons, but we certainly should not be doing so in the midst of a humanitarian crisis they are responsible for.'"

"Rep. Ilhan Omar unveiled a resolution Friday aimed at blocking a Biden administration-approved sale of $650 million worth of missiles and other military equipment to the Saudi government, which has been bombing Yemen—often with U.S. weaponry—since 2015.

"Omar (D-Minn.), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said in a statement that 'it is simply unconscionable to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia while they continue to slaughter innocent people and starve millions in Yemen, kill and torture dissidents, and support modern-day slavery.'

"'We should never be selling human rights abusers weapons, but we certainly should not be doing so in the midst of a humanitarian crisis they are responsible for,' added Omar. 'Congress has the authority to stop these sales, and we must exercise that power.'"
