#Pushya #Nakshatra
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“The Star of Nourishment”

Symbol: Cow’s Udder, Lotus (Flower), Arrow and a Circle

Deity: #Brihaspati (the High Priest of the Gods/ Lord of Sacred Speech and Prayers. He was given the Lordship of Planet Jupiter by Shiva. He is also the Author of Books on Law and Politics. He is the Teacher of Jyotish and Astronomy. He gives Sustenance to Those around Him)

Favourable: Beginning anything, Laying Foundations for Building, Celebrations, Gatherings, Imaginative Activities, Music, Dance, Travel, Financial Planning, receiving Legal Assistance, Confronting Adversaries, Cooking, Gardening, activities for Children, Purchasing or taking Care of a Pet, Healing and Nurturing Activities, Seeking Guidance, Religious and Spiritual Activities, and Activities involving One’s Mother

Unfavourable: Marriage, Activities involving Cruelty and Harshness

Key Themes

Nurturing, Nourishment and Care Giving
Teachers, Business Gurus, Advisors, & Counsellors
Marriage Trauma and 3rd Party Seduces the Spouse
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Elements connected to Pushyami Nakshatra
Deity Brihaspati
Symbol Cows Udder
Planet #Saturn
Purushartha Dharma
Gana Deva
Varna Kshatriya (Warrior)
Element Apas (Water)
TriMurthi Vishnu (Maintain)
Animal Male Goat
Bird Sea Crow)
Tree Sacred Fig or Peepal
Sound Hoo, Hay, Ho, Dah
Mythology of Pushyami

Bhrihaspati – Tara & Chandra: Elope story

Brihaspati sends his sons to learn sanjeevani from Sukracharya

Key Points

Lotus associated with knowledge, Blessings of Jupiter good in education
Speech therapist, Language specialist connected.

Star: Pushya

Rasi (Zodiac): Cancer

Range: 03o 20’ – 16o 40’ Cancer

Padas: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Meaning: “The Nourisher or The Nurturer”; The Ancient name of Pushya in the Rig Veda was “Tishya”, the Celestial Archer, This nakshatra is also called as “Sidhya” or “Pushyami”

Indication: “The Star of Nourishment”

Body Part: Mouth, Face and Facial Expressions

Guna (Quality): Tamas

Gana (Race): Deva (Divine, God-Like Dispositions)

Purushartha (Goal): Dharma (Righteousness)

Tridosha: Pitta (Bile or Fire + Water)

Nature/ Category of Star: Laghu (Light/ Not Heavy) and Kshipra (Swift/ Quick)

Varna (Caste): Kshatriya (Warrior)

Gotra (Clan): Marichi (names translates as the “Light and the Swift One”)

Direction: East

Pancha Mahabhuta (Element): Apas (Water)

Shakti (Power): Brahmavarchava Shakti (The Power to “Harness Creative Spiritual Energy”)

Basis Above: Sacrificial Worship

Basis Below: The Worshipper

Desire: To Posses the Splendour of Spiritual Knowledge

Result of Shakti, Basis, & Desire: Creation of Spiritual Energy

Activity: Passive

TriMurthi (Process): Vishnu (Maintain)

Direction of Mouth / Motion: Urdhwa Mukha (Looking Up/ Facing Upwards)

Yoni (Gender): Male

Animal Symbol: Goat (Ram)/ Sheep

Bird: Sea Crow

Sounds: Hoo, Hay, Ho, Dah

Tree/ Plant: Ashwatha Vruksha, Peepal, Sacred Fig (Latin Name: Ficus Religiosa)

Colour: Blackish Red

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