By Narayana Montufar

..."A completely new era is afoot! In more ways than one, 2024 functions as a gigantic portal to a brand-new #epoch, as the three outer planets work in tandem to assist us in creating a new reality. In the second part of the year, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto will work together to elevate mass consciousness, anchoring the Age of #Aquarius. Technology and spirituality will assist this shift into a completely new paradigm that triumphs individuality and personal growth as more of us unplug from the oppressive mental matrix of capitalism.

Still, we must stay aware that for a brand-new epoch to be birthed, the old structures will, simultaneously, continue their process of collapsing, as they have been since 2021. With its thorough touch, master teacher Saturn continues this process as it remains in Pisces, being assisted by Jupiter in the Spring and Fall. The worlds of media and commerce, in particular, are set to change and evolve as Jupiter enters Gemini in May.

Jupiter has an epic meeting with Uranus in Taurus, which is bound to enliven the financial and real estate markets in the early Spring. According to mundane astrologer Jessica Adams, this combination could see some countries introduce universal basic income, a real estate buyer’s market, and huge personal profits for some.

At a personal level, the cardinal signs wrap up a fifteen-year cycle of transformation as Pluto ends its transit in Capricorn. The mutable signs are set to experience a few wake-up calls as the planet of illusion begins its retrograde at the critical degree of Pisces. Collectively, we all continue the work we began in the summer of 2023 as the Lunar Nodes of Destiny in Aries and Libra continue to end toxic and co-dependent relationships.

Luckily, we get the hardest part of the year out of the way by doing deep and personal growth between January and April. During these months, the Nodes activate Chiron in Aries, following up on a journey that we first walked at the beginning of 2023. Through spiritual, energetic, or psychological work, heal the area of your chart ruled by Aries and you can make 2024 a huge success!

Below are all the 2024 astrological aspects you need to know—from eclipses to retrogrades to major notable transits."...

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