What the New Moon in Capricorn Means for You
It's time to realign with your soul's purpose.
Updated Jan 10, 2024

..."The new #Moon exact is #January 11th, 2024, at 3:57 am PT.
Traditionally, #Capricorn is associated with our career. This energy, though, is so much more than what we do for a paycheck. It’s about finding the great work our souls were put on this earth to find. It’s about our legacies and what we will be known for after our physical bodies are long gone. It’s about finding the work that merges body, heart, mind, and spirit.

This work may take the form of a career, but it may also be a hobby, raising a child, or volunteering for something you believe in. Your life’s work can take many forms, but no matter what shape it takes, it feels good to your soul. It does not feel limiting, confining, or dull. It feels exciting, freeing, and motivating. Yes, at times, your life’s work will need a hit of inspiration. It will always feel like you are exactly where you’re meant to be. It will always feel aligned with your core essence and energy.

Finding our life’s work can take years. Unfortunately, most of us were not taught to pursue it. It requires experimentation on our part and the courage to take some leaps of faith. These leaps are strengthened by our resolve and deep trust in ourselves. This trust is cultivated through hearing our intuition and following our inner compass. Capricorn is the sign of solitude. It encourages us to go inward this season and spend time alone. It’s in this space where we can truly hear our hearts and inner knowing without the influence of others.
Even when we desire big change in our lives, we often play it safe. We limit our dreams and sell ourselves short of our potential. On this new Moon, notice any patterns that keep you small as you write your intentions. Dare yourself to create a vision that may seem almost impossible. Challenge the first draft of your intentions and notice if you default to the same dreams you write repeatedly. Ask yourself why you might be keeping yourself small. Is it out of fear? Do you not think you are worthy of big visions? Or are they just too much work?

This Moon is your chance to create real, long-lasting change in your life. Decide how you want to feel, what will help you feel that way, and what changes you want to see happen. Then don’t hold yourself back.

The new Moon also forms an exact square with the north node in Aries. Squares cause friction and tension until a breakthrough is reached. The north node represents our destiny. It holds the lessons we are collectively learning as a society. We can then integrate these lessons into our life path.
Consider the shifts you want to make in your life this year. What changes do you want to see unfold over 2024? Perhaps you want to live somewhere new, take a different job, or start a family.

You do not need to know the details of how any of these changes will happen. Simply acknowledge what you would like to see evolve this year. Then bring these changes back to yourself. How will these changes make you feel? What are you excited to see happen this year? And what changes make you nervous?

As you write your intentions this new Moon, feel how you can prioritize your life’s work and soul’s path this year. Feel what you need to begin to align with your life’s work. What vibration do you need to embody? How can you prioritize the energy of your soul this year? What affirmations will help you?"...

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