methinks this off-the-cuff comment deserves pasting as its own post.
might be some #good #health #tips for you, to add to your daily practices. :)
be well, everybody. :) #wellbeing to you all. :)

(forgive my typos and spelling mistakes. like i say, twas just hastely off-the-cuff rattled out quick, in one go (and without spellchecker). pasting pretty-much as is (moving the hashtag to comment though, not wanting to muddy or water-down in noise.)

The flu numbers are way down this year due to precautions against COVID.

and misreporting.

I’m going to do everything I can to lower risk and mitigate effects because I can’t afford any more loss of pay.

and you think the booster will accomplish that (rather than the inverse)?

or… what else are you doing?

  • megadosing vitamin D3?

  • zinc in a bioavailable form?

  • ample all other vitamins (A, C, Es, Bs, Ks…) and minerals and nutrition?

  • ample adequate sleep for melatonin?

  • light therapies (infra-red, ultr-aviolet, sun-mimmicking, etc)?

  • sound therapies (binaural solfeggio isochronic rife entrainment n relaxation music, 432hz, 528hz, etc)?

  • breathing techniques (wim hof method’s breathing technique, calm awareness of breath, deep breathing, breath of fire, alternate nostril breathing, etc)?

  • other augmentary supplements (NAC, stamets’ 7 (reishi, lionsmane musroom, turkey tail mushroom, cordiceps, (i forget the other two)), ashvagandha, amla, triphala, amino-acids, phyto-cannabinoids (CBD, caryophyllene, d8-thc-c5, d9-thc-c5, d9-thc-c3, CBC, CBN, CBD-a, d8-thc-c5-a, d9-thc-c5-a, d9-thc-c3-a, CBG, CBG-a, etc), probiotics complex (with a high strain diversity count), beef liver extracts, cod-liver oil, etc?

  • yoga?

  • exersize?

  • sun exposure?

  • endorphin practices like watching comedy?

  • oxytocin activities like socialising or time spent petting animals?

  • reading scientific papers to get a broader view than is presented in the corrupt kleptarch criminal corporate monopoly mono-perspective propaganda media?

  • anything else, that’s not a lucrative scam to transfer more wealth and power (to those who already have an imbalanced excess), that wont impare your immune system and make you perpetually dependent and trackable? XD

  • following research trails as to the motives and who benefits and when what was planned (to find out things like “COVID 19” was appearing in government planning documents at least as early as 2015, that, as one middling insider leaked “when the terrorist thing wears off, we’re going to have people running scared of a disease without symptoms”, the "patentgate" string of patent frauds on the sars-cov-2 virus as far back as 2002 (highlilghting that they had this planned for the next stage, at least as far back as then!), … and many more smoking guns, and reveals of the man behind the curtain. … the emperor wears no clothes!)