Ohhhh.... ya think?
Then what about the (only) big gains in the East? (Power to the people - ie, local people?)

'Nervous' Vladimir Putin Cuts Off Communication With Mercenary Chief Yevgeny Prigozhin In Latest Power Play

“This appears to be a parting of the way after Prigozhin had been openly critical, even abusive to senior military figures in the regular forces,” Russia expert Bruce Jones said at the time, indicating Putin is starting to now view his once loyal mercenary chief as “a potential rival.” - RadarOnline.com

And then there's this.... Of course it can all be 'fake', or wishful, or both... but perhaps some grains of truth in this spate of stories suggests some looming domestic issues. For sure, people are living with "special operation" fatigue, those still remaining true-red.

#Putin #PutinsWar #StopPutin #genocide #TzarVladimirTheTerrible (st)