Yann LeCun says, "Reasoning, as I define it, is simply not doable by a system that produces a finite number of tokens, each of which is produced by a neural net with a fixed number of layers."

Chris Anderson says, "Do you have a theory about what it is the human brain has -- LLMs don't have -- that allows it to reason? A lot of the output of LLMs would be regarded as well-reasoned if it came out of humans!"

Yann LeCun says, "Yes, I do."

"LLMs produce their answers with a fixed amount of computation per token. There is no way for them to devote more (potentially unlimited) time and effort to solving difficult problems. This is very much akin to the human fast and subconscious 'System 1' decision process."

"True reasoning and planning would allow the system to search for a solution, using a potentially unlimited unlimited time for it. This iterative inference process is more akin to the human deliberate and conscious 'System 2'."

"This is what allows humans and many animals to find new solutions to new problems in new situations."

Yes, I do. LLMs produce their answers - Yann LeCun

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