The Fairphone Impact Report

I am citing just some topics:

This report is our transparent account of our performance against our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). But unlike most businesses, our KPIs are not limited to the things that determine our financial health. They’re indicators of the impact we’re having on the health of our planet, and well-being of the people who make our phones. Fairphone has never been just about selling electronics: we’re out to change an industry which has made consumers’ lives better while making the world worse — with mountains of e-waste, unsafe mines, corruption, violence, child labor, and harrowing factory conditions. We simply don’t accept that these are the necessary or acceptable costs of doing business.

Fairphone alone will never change the world, and the change we hope to catalyze won’t happen overnight. But every year since our founding in 2013, we have made progress worth celebrating. Step by step, every advance brings us closer to our vision of a fairer world.

someone who goes through two phones in five years will cause close to twice the impact on global warming compared to someone who uses only one. With the current average lifespan of a smartphone being only 2.7 years, keeping a phone for at least five years — our goal for the Fairphone 4’s life span — reduces that yearly impact by around 30%.

In 2022, the Fairphone 2 received an update to Android 10 which will lead Fairphone 2 toward a total of 7.3 years of software support — another exciting industry first!



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