YPG Press: "We will never forget the work and sacrifice of comrade Amara"

"The revolution of Western Kurdistan and North-Eastern Syria was built with hard work, sacrifice and relentless heroism. In the most difficult moments of the war of occupation, thousands of young Kurds from all four sides of Kurdistan went to the battlefields of Rojava and fought with great courage knowing that the danger to Rojava is the danger to the whole of Kurdistan and wrote heroic epics. Certainly, in the most difficult and dangerous days, the guerillas of the People's Defense Forces left the mountains of Kurdistan for the plains and cities and gave their lives as a shield against the Daesh gangs. One of those guerrillas was the martyr Amara Ronahi, whose real name is Gamze Laçin."




via @RojavaAzadi@twitter.com

#Rojava #SehidNamirin

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