Mindfulness at the Comupter - Release notes for alpha 11

Please note that unless we get suggestions on changing features this is going to be the last alpha release, which means that no more features may be added. So if you have an idea for the application that you'd like to see, please write an issue or contact us

Breathing dialog updates:
* Rounded corners
* Increased size
* Different help messages now shown (at the top of the breathing dialog)
* Fade out for the breathing dialog: If the mouse pointer leaves the breathing dialog area, the dialog isn't closed at once, but rather it starts fading out. If the user moves the mouse pointer back into the dialog it remains open

New breathing visualizations:
* Line - A simple visualization, with the breathing phrases in the middle, and where the user interacts by hovering above or below the middle horizontal line
* Columns - This is different from the other visualizations in that it shows the lengths of previous breaths

Technical notes:
* Now only distributing sdist for the pypi package
* The pythondevmode environment flag has been added to the pycharm configurations
* Added logging of (otherwise) uncaught exceptions

Installation: Install with pip pip install mindfulness-at-the-computer or download package from sourceforge (for details please see the website)

Links: Website, Gitter chat, GitLab repo

#matc #mindfulness-at-the-computer #freesoftware #mindfulness


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