More intrigue and subterfuge regarding Trump's ties to Russia

Durham grand jury indicts lawyer whose firm represented Hillary Clinton’s campaign

A prominent GOP strategy is always to accuse others of that which they are guilty. This seems a case in point.

FTA: A grand jury working with special counsel John Durham’s office handed up an indictment Thursday of lawyer Michael Sussmann, who prosecutors have accused of making false statements to the FBI during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Sussmann, the indictment charges, “lied about the capacity in which he was providing ... allegations to the FBI” of potential cyber links between a Russian bank and a company owned by former president Donald Trump.

Charging him marks a strange twist in the special counsel’s probe championed by Trump and his Republican allies,...

... Durham is pursuing a prosecutorial theory that Sussmann was secretly representing Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, which was a client of Sussmann’s firm, these people said.

It was not immediately clear how an individual lying to the FBI’s top lawyer would square with the Justice Department’s historical practice of charging false-statements cases.

The Republican credo seems to be Tu non cogito, ergo imperium ego. (You do not think, therefore I rule. Yeah, I know my Latin grammar sucks is nonexistent.)

In other words, make shit up until something sticks, or at least until it gets the base riled up.

#GOP #Trump #Crime #Durham #Sussmann