"Recently some open-source hardware companies have either gone closed-source on products, are in process of going closed-source, are delaying the release of files/source code, or require NDAs to obtain the software for an advertised-as open-source hardware & Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) certified product."

"Arduino: Arduino Pro hardware is not open-source hardware, and the Arduino about page(s) were recently changed in regards to the open-source hardware and software."

"SparkFun:" "It appears that a recent product sold as open-source has closed-source firmware and an NDA is required to see it." DataLogger firmware.

"Prusa:" "marketed-as-open-source Prusa products are still missing the published files/source of what would allow them to be called open-source." Prusa is an "open-source" 3D printer company. Note there is a response from Comment from Josef Prusa, founder of Prusa, saying Chinese manufacturers are causing problems.

When open becomes opaque: the changing face of open-source hardware companies

#solidstatelife #opensourcehardware


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