Photos: Hundreds of counter-protesters clash with police at anti-abortion demonstration in Boston

This is the third march of these Out of State Male Only Christian Fascists into Boston with their Anti-Abortion Anti-Women's Rights Message, they were met by Counter-protestors including a Brass Band of Clowns and Jugglers, but the Police blocked both them AND the Press from access on the scene (blocking the Press Access to a Public Parade and Event On Boston Common may be considered a violation of 1st Amendment Rights and there will be lawsuits from this).

Boston Police are infamous in this state for Fascist favoring behavior and their own tendency towards violence and fascist behavior. Every attempt to root out the bad cops and leadership in that city has failed thanks to their powerful union and 'blue solidarity' against investigations of ethics violations and criminal cases that involve crimes by police.

Thanks to the Berkley Beacon from placing photographers to cover the event before the police blocked access and producing this photo collection of the events. Our local press covered almost nothing of the event.


#Protest #Fascists #Boston #1stAmendmentRights

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