EUROPEAN #EARTHQUAKE #WATCH ( #ALERT) -- #Italy Deep M5.1 to M5.5 -- Potential large quake

"There is some question (in my mind) about the deep M5.1 to M5.5 which struck below Southern Italy in the Tyrrhenian Sea.

The last deep M5.8 which struck below Italy resulted with a shallow M6.8 shortly after in Norcia Italy.

This time I am issuing a watch instead of a warning, due to my skepticism on the accuracy of the deep event.

We shall see within a few days if this is accurate.

I want everyone in Italy to be prepared for up to M6.1-M6.5 JUST IN CASE THIS IS ACTUALLY A REAL EARTHQUAKE!

I know this is riding the fence, but who could blame me at this point after what just happened in Japan a day ago?!"

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10/31/2022 -- EUROPEAN EARTHQUAKE WATCH (ALERT) -- Italy Deep M5.1 to M5.5 -- Potential large quake

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