What's Eric Reading?

You older folks'll get a kick out of this. When I was a wee lad, my older brother was a big Doc Savage fan. I used to read all the ones he left lying around back then. I've probably read 30-40 of the original K. Robeson series.

I've also read a few of the newer series (after Robeson's demise). They are a tad bigger, with more complicated plotting, but the themes/characters of Robeson's original series are preserved well.

I have had three of the new series paperbacks sitting on the shelf in my living room for years (actually had to brush the dust and cat hair off this one). I was looking for my next read in there earlier today and decided on this one. Looks like it's going to be fun!

White Eyes (Doc Savage, #185) by Kenneth Robeson | Goodreads