#Cancer #Medical #Disregard

Sigh, another rant, sort off.

My diagnosis followed by the conclusion not much can be done other than palliative care, in the shape of anti-testosterone treatment (and boy did I hit the jackpot for all side effects..) and 3 monthly checkups to see how far to the edge i have moved this time, has started to hit the ground, yeah the other shoe dropped, finally.
Somehow it is a relief, but also not what i wanne rant about.
Those that have read my previous post, know about the asshole dokter and his arrogant treatment in my local hospital, and I was so relieved to find a great one elsewhere.
But ---
(Yeah there always seems to be one)
He asked if we wanted to stay under his wing during my final run, and we agreed, in stead we are being tossed off from one or another dokter to again another.
And that happend, again, we had an appointment for a checkup, with MY dokter, but when i checked the app of the hospital, a strange name popped up.
Why?? Well, he is a specialist in anti-hormonal treatments, so yeah i see the need, but G.ddamn, how hard would it be to inform me about that?
To explain why? Tell me where I am heading, I am more than filled up with way way way to much fear and uncertainties to need a new load without any heads up.

Really, I get the switch, but FFS I do not wish to bear my soul again, I already feel like a nude slave on an auction block, in view of anyone and everyone, ready to be sold to the next interested 'buyer' :-(

I yeah, you are probably right that i am overreacting, but dammit my cup of emotional turmoil is a damn Olympic swimming-pool already and threatening to overflow, I just can not deal with this shit in a saner way at the moment :ยด-(

So, I write about it, almost sure no one will read it, but what the heck, who cares..
