#quote from #pa

#AI - The Biggest Threat to the Natural World Ever
"Just wondering why no one has raised the alarm about the threat of AI to the natural world - especially ecosystems and vegetation. All you have to do to understand the threat is to consider what the world was like prior to the development of computers and the internet. Look at the changes that brought since 1975. Now with 8 billion plus people. Although AI will help immensely with the environment, the sheer demand for resources from one end of the life cycle to the other, will cause immeasurable harm. And right now it's life cycle is unregulated. As a retired biologist/ecologist I'm gasping in horror at what it is likely to do!

Have been trying to raise the issue with the Australian government but no one wants to know about it. Everyone caught up in the AI arms race and fixated on keeping the economy/profits ahead of the curve.

I know of one person here in Oz who has been working quietly trying to raise the issue but the media won't touch it. Only ecologists seem to get it!

Please give this your hearts and minds because we have a small window of opportunity to bring the issue to the fore of the public consciousness.


Robert. "

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