#pain #hempoil #myscan

My New Best Friend.
Uncle Bud.
This was sent to me by a friend in New York City. I'm totally amazed! I have pain in the back of my neck, the base of my skull, on the sides of my neck, and across my shoulders. I have pain in my lower back and it radiates downward to the left and right. I'm subject to cramps in my legs and hands. One application of this, wherever the pain might be, and within a matter of minutes, the pain is gone. I've looked on various websites and discovered it is inexpensive and affordable. It is also sold over the counter. The scent is light and pleasant. The side effect I discover is 'The Joy to Be Relieved of Pain.'
Hemp. God's Gift to Mankind Because Life Can Be a Pain.
This product is Made in the USA. I hope it, and others like it, will be in the future of medicine in every country.
