#quote from #pa
Twin Destructive #Planetary #Alignments: 28 Oct & 3 Nov #2023? The #End of the #Age?
Could this be ‘The Big One?’ Only a few weeks from now we have a set of planetary alignments – 6 days apart – both of which are solid contenders for being an ‘End of Age’ alignment. What may well be capable of producing extreme #solar and/or geophysical effects, potentially catastrophic for civilisation.

In this new video I have produced, I examine a number of both ancient and modern disasters – solar and seismic – revealing a close relationship between them and various astronomical alignments occurring at the same time. Ultimately building a case that some of these past disasters were linked to planetary conjunctions very similar to those that will be established on the 28th of October, and the 3rd of November 2023 – just a few weeks away.

The video presentation is as follows:

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ll71AcP0utQ

A diagrammatic image of the first conjunction that will occur on the 28th of October 2023, is below:

enter image description here

Both of the configurations side by side, in terms of precise modelling are shown here:
enter image description here

Of course I do realise that this is highly speculative, and in all likelihood nothing will happen on the days in question. But there is the possibility that something quite extraordinary might. Or at the very least above 'normal.'


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