Maybe #Women Won’t Date You Because You’re Awful

The #Federalist says Trump is president because women won’t date #conservatives. But I thought we were all fat, lesbian, abortion-loving sluts?
Erin Gloria Ryan

..."The Federalist piece also presents a confusing portrait of the sort of woman these conservative men are angry will not date them. As a left-leaning woman, I’ve read a lot about how my type are fat unattractive lesbian sluts who are, despite their lesbianism and unattractiveness to men, frequently getting pregnant via having sex with men, and then having abortions. I’ve even seen articles to this published on The Federalist! We’re allegedly terrible. Why would any respectable real tough American-style guy want to date us? Why would our not dating the people who think we are fat unattractive lesbian abortion sluts make any difference to those people? I thought we were disgusting?

The entire piece is tiresome, for the reasons that other iterations of the same idea are tiresome. But it merits comment today because I’d like to offer a helpful theoretical answer for the question its headline poses:

Maybe women won’t date you because you’re awful.

Women refusing to date Trump-supporting men isn’t what caused those men to react and turn to Trump for solace. That women won’t date them is a symptom of their awfulness, like voting for Trump is, among certain populations, a symptom of a specific sort of awfulness.

Heterosexual women might be turned off by a man’s politics, by their philosophy, by their musical taste, by their affinity for talking about gadgets, the most boring thing in the world to talk about. But if the man in question is a nice enough person, if he takes care of himself and treats others with genuine respect, somebody will probably date him. The world is full of lonely people who will let things slide in the name of companionship.

If nobody likes you, the problem is you."

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