I finally managed to read a paper. This one concerns a potential way to distinguish the predictions of Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) from standard models of gravitation using dark matter. But while I know the authors are broadly pro-MOND, and their results look to me to favour MOND, that actually claim the opposite ! And then they go on to come up with elaborate ways to save MOND by making it even more complicated than it already is, which looks unnecessary to me even though I'm broadly anti-MOND... it's very confusing.

In brief, they look at how the rotation curves of galaxies vary within clusters. In the standard model, the environment of a galaxy shouldn't much affect its rotation speed. In MOND, a feature called the External Field Effect should mean you get declining rotation curves (lower velocities at greater distances from the galactic centres) in dense environments. That seems to be what the authors find, but for reasons I don't understand, they claim the opposite. Ho hum.



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