workingclasshero says

8 March 2023 at 01:11

NATO and U.S. ground forces backed up by superior air assets can clean up the Russian Armed Forces in about two weeks and depose Putin and get a negotiated settlement on Western terms within a month. It will guarantee Democratic rule of the Federal govt for the rest of this century. I am not anti-Putin/Russian or pro Ukraine, far from it. People WAY overestimate Russian capability. If Russia was up to it, they would have blitzkrieged Ukraine last year. They didn’t because they can’t

John says   

8 March 2023 at 03:11   

Don´t think so. NATO countries have been reporting for months that they are down to between a week or two, to a couple of days worth of ammunition. You are dreaming, very dangerous dreaming.

Douglas Worthington says    

8 March 2023 at 03:16   


(First time I’m left speechless. Well done, “workingclasshero.” You should consider joining Zelensky on the comedy circuit…that is, if you’re into that kind of piano play.)


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