.Look at how #bad it is in #Canada!!
"Reporters are now being arrested for asking questions!!

You can't expect the police to act as what we would consider "normal". I personally know of 2 people who within the last couple of years applied to be a police officer and quit after they were working and found out what it is like within the police force. It is obviously corrupt and quickly you are shown that you are either going to be in with the corruption or you will have nothing but problems....

Yes I agree we are due for a major change. The #corruption goes incredibly high up the totem pole, including our justice system. But, some (quite a few) people are getting their fill of the nonsense.

It is interesting to see though, how some Canadians are still in denial and spend more energy on Donald Trump bashing then actually paying heed to what's happening in our own country.

The poll in the link below, taken a month ago, is an indication of the direction we are going. A recent petition calling for a no confidence vote in the Liberal Government has collected around 380K signatures of citizens who are fed up with narcisist Trudeau. "

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=UoCFGlTwdvo

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