Today's Solar Exploits

Moved some panels around to get optimum sun. Began working early to tidy up some of the cables but never got to it as I got distracted once again by the non-working wifi. After a bit more frustration and no help at all from Sungold Support...I went a different direction...may had suggested Solar Assistant but it seemed difficult...but....I really want to be able to keep an eye on this thing, at least for now. Dug out the Raspberry Pi and cables and etc. Refamiliarized myself with it then studied the Solar Assistant website/manuals/products (you can buy a fully configured Pi and Software and other stuff) I opted to buy the software and give it a go.
after much fiddling around and nothing I realized there was a Update Link.... Updated and yes, my inverter WAS Supported... a bit more fiddling with configuration and got 'er going and it's wonderful! It has addressed my separation anxiety! Yes!

Also received the second battery that had gotten lost a couple of times and got it connected....seems to be working but something is strange (maybe) in seeing it in the inverter and on Solar Assist... that will be tomorrow's challenge I guess.

Here's the mess with second battery and the lil Raspberry Pi sitting on the inverter.

#solar #power #solarpower #energy