The #video below is a collection of #50 clips of #people reporting #dreams they've had of the #US being attacked, in almost all instances by #Russia and/or #China.
There's a marked Christian overlay (e.g. "The Lord showed me this"), but basically it was very scary invasion dreams being described in detail by very regular people.

Some of those on camera were visibly upset, and clearly the experiences were real, vivid and unusual. The scenes being shown often made little military sense — such as Russian paratroopers jumping from helicopters over American cities and shooting at civilians, Russian planes dropping bombs just as in WWII (that no longer happens!), and Chinese amphibious landing craft on Atlantic beaches.

And of course, many of these clips will have been filtered and chosen to depict a very particular theme. Mostly there are no dates, but one clip said the dream happened in 1998, another in 2009, while others were from 2018-22. So it all may have been collected over a number of years.

All reported here for human interest. It's very hard to believe this kind of thing could possibly happen, though a missile attack on the US might be far more likely. And there's little that suggests anything happening in 2024... one said 2025, but many of those on camera just said 'soon'.