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THE #GLOBALIZATION #AGENDA - By #Forgotten #History 11-4-2023

Lol. Forgotten History recommends VOTING to Counter Globalism. Yes, #People are #Waking Up, but sadly they still don't get it. Freedom will not be won working within the Rigged Political System. It cannot be fixed, but must be recalibrated and set back to 1776, minus the Federal Government/Globalist Corruption that separated US from our Rightful Constitutional Republic in theory and practice. Keep working at informing the Normies. We are not there yet...

21,491 views December 4, 2023
(Forgotten History was far too weak in his criticism of the Globalization Agenda for my taste. See my comments below at the bottom.)
Globalization is the word used to describe the growing interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of investment, people, and information. The wide-ranging effects of globalization are complex and politically charged. As with major technological advances, globalization benefits society as a whole, while harming certain groups. Who or what is pushing for globalization? Hosted by Colin D. Heaton. Forgotten History is a 10th Legion Pictures Production.

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