Fairly good advice. You have to accept the world is the way it is, but you also have to accept it can be changed. There isn't a paradox here, just a question of timescales : it's like this today for sure, unavoidably, and trying to fighting existing reality, trying permanently to effect immediate change (especially on a single issue) is mentally toxic. This is why I'm extremely wary of those whose "social" media threads are nothing but permanent activism. But you don't have to accept that everything is written in stone because it certainly isn't : it might well not be like this tomorrow. Cultural change is itself permanent. To maintain a genuine sense of the outrage necessary to effect change requires periodically stepping back, remembering the positives as well as the negatives, and not becoming habituated to routine evil.

Incidentally, I started reading Ordinary Men, the book behind the Netflix documentary. The documentary is excellent but the book is something else, horror beyond horror. I simply can't read it in long stretches, it makes me viscerally angry.



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