to paraphrase worf, they must think us fools, to make their lies so transparent.
... well, transparent if you're awake and paying attention. if not, easy to succumb to the hypnotic lullabies.


#leftlockdownsceptics #bbc #transparentlies #psyop #sellop #emotionalmanipulation

... and reminds me of the quite lucid points well made regarding identity, identity grouping, and manipulation thereof for #divideandconquer like with " #whiteprivilege " being used to keep a wedge driven between the poor, along racial lines, and obfuscate and maintain the manufactured inequality and poverty. in
very refreshing to hear someone else say it (though i wonder if that's part of the plan too, buying trust in embrace phase).

(and while i'm here, since there's also lots of overlap and vital useful insights: ... lots also very refreshing to hear someone else say, and beyond.)

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