Finally I am out and about again, an it is Copenhagen Jazz Festival these days. Friday my wife and I choose a local and very young piano trio whose records we have enjoyed a lot: Little North.

It was steaming hot (my comfort limit is 22°C), but they really played beautifully and I had a very cold beer. Same sound and tight, concentrated improvisations as we knew from the records I bought on Bandcamp. In the second set there was one, very long, very complicated ... erhm ... movement, where I had to whisper to my wife that it probably was entitled, "Lost in the Northern Jazzmark", but all in all a killer concert by some incredible, but still humble young musicians, who couldn't hide their surprise that the concert had been sold out. (The fate of the jazz-man and -woman who has played for empty night clubs and uninterested party people their whole life).

Their sound is both new and still very traditional. There is a certain sound of Nordic jazz and these blokes has both Niels Henning Ørsted-Pedersen and Jan Johansson in them while also doing all sorts of new things. Well, it was great!

Yesterday we were at a small concert at the Rhythmic Music Conservatory with the slovak singer Sisa Feher, very much pregnant. Very charming. On the last picture you can see the braids of my daughter :) Her mother make those and get high praise from all the African women in Copenhagen.

#music #festival #Copenhagen #jazz #CopenhagenJazzFestival #life #leisure #beer #LittleNorth #SisaFeher

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