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We are living in the Age of Deception. Behind the scenes, a group of technocratic elites are working feverishly toward the attainment of their "Great Work". It is a plan as old as civilization itself, and now, through the advent of modern technology, this plan is closer to fruition than it has ever been before. What is this plan?

If enough people understand and resist their agenda, then we can have a brighter future for all mankind, and not just the select few who think themselves better than the masses. We can have a better future for all, not a future where we are all tied to a computer for eternity in an endless cycle of debt and misery, subject to the whims of the controllers and/or an artificial intelligence control grid.

We were born into an age that says God is dead. How are the occult elite using the power of archetypal cycles against us? Are we the true magicians? We create the Real World through thought and will. How are they using this shift of ages to lead us back to the god, Pan? Is Transhumanism inevitable?

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The Alchemical Tech Revolution explores the hidden occult agenda behind the "transhumanist" movement. It also identifies seven key "alchemical" technologies that will be used to usher man into a new age of technological marvels. But, will this new age be an age of enlightenment? Or will it be an age of unimagineable tyranny?

Wayne McRoy Jr. is the author of The Autism Epidemic: Transhumanism’