Please urge Shell to stop seismic blasting of the Wild Coast of South Africa
#Shell #FossilFuel #BigOil #SouthAfrica #Whales #SeismicBlasting #Greenpeace #Petition
"Shell is about to start blasting extremely loud shockwaves into the oceans off the Wild Coast of South Africa - a fragile and beautiful ecosystem that is a vital whale breeding ground.
Each shockwave blasted in this “seismic testing” is louder than a space shuttle launch, and local whales, dolphins, turtles and seals will be subjected to this excruciating noise every 10 seconds, for five whole months, in whale mating season.
Here in Aotearoa, we have fought the oil industry on this and won. But its destructive search for new oil and gas is never-ending - despite scientists warning that we can’t afford to burn even the known oil reserves, let alone new ones.
But all is not lost - in their thousands, South Africans are fighting back against Shell. Coastal communities, Greenpeace, environmentalists and concerned members of the public have all joined forces to stand up to Shell.
These seismic detonations could have a devastating impact on the health of marine life, and if successful, the operations would potentially disrupt the local communities that depend on eco-tourism and fishing for their livelihoods.
We’ve defeated Shell before - in 2015, our people-powered “Save the Arctic” campaign forced them to give up their plans for oil drilling in the Arctic, and here in Aotearoa we resisted and prevented their deep sea oil exploration plans from going ahead.
Ngā mihi nui,
Nick and the whole crew at Greenpeace Aotearoa"
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