"As a result, not much about Foundation sticks, either emotionally or narratively. There are cause-and-effect relationships between one event and another, but they’re stretched across long-attenuated frames, spun out over distances that are short enough to roughly remember there was a relationship there, but too long for that relationship to retain any urgency or heft. There are a few instances where big twists or reunions do have a sense of exciting development, but their infrequency only makes it clear how little you care about the other stuff. Salvor Hardin has a love interest, for instance, who Foundation insists matters as a character, and who returns more than once to give Hardin some emotional oomph. Never once does he make the slightest dent in the story’s larger field of gravity. I watched all ten episodes of the season, and if you were to put that character in front of me in a lineup, there is absolutely no way I could identify him with any certainty."


#Foundation #AppleTV