Sir #TrumpVirus reacting to (actual) #NikkiHaley.

Nikki Haley drops in on ‘Saturday Night Live’ cold open as surprise guest

#SNL last night:

Sir #TrumpVirus (character) reacts to (actual) #NikkiHaley.

I'm going to say that despite critiques I've seen about SNL's 'both sideism' (allegedly) on Weekend Update, and other blowback, this opening hit its stride, and (IMM) James Austin Johnson's "Trump" was very close to "perfect" (though only Sir StableGenius is perfect).

Next day, the fallout, reviews, praise, and condemnation are floating about. I'll leave the discussion to others except to say that Haley's cameo probably both helped and hurt her. She'll be both praised and blasted for her 'undoing' her "Civil War cause" moment. But for me it was interesting how she put a human face on herself (acknowledging a 'goof') and - like her stump speeches - is happy to benefit from attacking Trump's "cognitive" hot mess, while at the same time she hit her theme by lumping Sir together with Biden in the "too ancient to think clearly" category.